Tuesday, June 7, 2011

May 24th-June 7th, 2011

Wow...I really do fail at updating this thing....

The past few weeks haven't been extremely eventful outside of hanging out with friends, doing some homework, and finishing up some minor projects at Axion.

Even though I've been working and taking two (albeit two really easy classes, health and history), I still find myself ending up with tons of free time. Its really nice actually as I have the opportunity to earn some cash and at the same time relax the summer as much as possible!

Work has been pretty hectic though. We had a big order of multiwell MEAs to ship out and I was in charge of making sure they were plated and basically ready to ship. Plating the electrodes and the grounds with platinum is crucial because it helps to reduce the noise on the electrodes which means that whoever is using the device can get a better idea of what the cells are actually doing. Plating isn't exactly hard, but just time consuming for the plating process has to run for long a time. I finished up the last of the MWs today and boy I am glad to be finally done for awhile!

I've been thinking about high school a lot lately, I don't know why, but its just been on my mind recently. Many of us started using Facebook our sophomore or junior year and as I approach my junior of college (eek), I find it fascinating to see how myself and my friends have grown up and changed over the course of a few years. Back then, college was just a vague, distant thought that occasionally popped up as we started getting those letters in the mail asking us to visit some college in a far off state (college spam as I used to call it). Of course that all changed by the time our senior year rolled around as basically all our free time was spent on college applications and trying to figure out what we want to do with the rest of our lives. Suddenly transitioning from an almost carefree life of not having to worry about the future to applying to some institution that will consume the next 4+ years of my life was shocking to me. Luckily by the time I headed down to GT, I decided to embrace it and I'm so glad I did, but that's another story.

Though high school wasn't the most idyllic time in my life, I certainly do miss some aspects of it. I miss being able to see my friends that I've known for most of my life daily. I miss playing varsity tennis with my team mates after school. I miss the field trips our IT class would take to different competitions. I just miss the community of friends that I had around me nearly wherever I went. Don't get me wrong, I have some great friends in college who I wouldn't trade for anything, I just miss the bond that I had with my friends that I had known at that point for four or more years.

Luckily, I've still kept in contact with most of my good friends back home in Ohio. Heck I would even go so far to say that our friendship has grown. I usually skype, play Starcraft, our just talk to my high school friends on an almost daily basis and I am so grateful for that. I'm just terrified of losing my friends to the passage of time as we grow older and go our separate ways. I know its probably going to happen sometime or later, but I DON'T want it happen and I'll be trying my best to try to prevent it.

Same thing with my college friends, I would love if we all went to the same grad school after college but I know that probably not going to happen. I've gotten to know some fantastic people at Tech, and I definitely do not want to lose contact with them ever.

And now for something completely different:

I was pretty shy in high school (outside of my friends/team mates). I vowed to change that when I came to Tech and its turned to be one of the best choices in my life. But I've always had trouble asking out a girl that I like. Its not exactly the rejection that I fear, I'm just afraid (aka paranoid I guess) of the gossip it might generate plus anything else that might follow it. I know it might be juvenile to think like that, but social rejection has always been one of largest fears. I was picked on a lot when I was younger and it has stuck with me to certain extent. I've have this really awesome (not really, its hard to indicate sarcasm over teh intartubes) ability to read into things too much and sometimes misjudge people's true intentions and feeling. There have been times that I have kicked myself for it, but I continue to struggle with it. Half the time I'm like "Go for it! You got it!" and the other half of my mind is like "I would stay back, you don't know if she likes you or no, better play it safe".

Sigh....well I got plenty of life ahead of me, might as well take a few risks.

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