Saturday, May 14, 2011

May 12th-May 14th

The past couple of days have been quite nice :).

Very good day sir!

A few days ago I found out that I managed to keep my 4.0! I was quite surprised actually, after suffering through all my classes I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to keep it, especially after bombing one of my physics tests and not doing so well on an econ test.

Physics and microecon in a nutshell

But in the end it all worked out well! I do have to thank God for everything though, He has really has helped me through a lot since I got college.

The last couple of days have been quite relaxing. Work has gone by smoothly and I've had some good resulting plating the electrodes on the MEAs I work with (Here's some more info about the company I work with, we're a small biotech startup on Tech's campus: ). Working at Axion has been absolutely fantastic. The company has about a total of 16 people and the small size is great because I get to know everyone. Also since the company is small, I'm able to do tons of stuff which is great because I thrive in a fast paced environment.

I ran into a pair of homeless guys two days ago. I was walking back from work along North Ave when these two men came up to me and starting talking. I introduced my self and kept walking with them down toward North Ave apartments. eventually one of them mentioned that he needed money. Now this part is always hard to handle. I want to help these people out, but giving money away isn't usually the best option because they could always use for ulterior purposes plus there are a lot of organizations around Atlanta (especially near Tech) that can help them out more than what I can monetarily. What I usually try to do is buy them a meal somewhere. Since the Varsity was close, I offered to get whatever they wanted. One of the men kept pushing for me to give him cash and even wanted me to go to an ATM to withdraw money. The more he pushed, the more I became wary and I held my position about just offering to buy them a meal and directing them to a church/group that would be able to assist them more. Eventually the one man stop asking me and went off while his friend stayed with me and told me that he wouldn't mind something to eat.

We walked up to the Varsity together and I went inside and got some stuff for him and his friend. While I was walking back with him, we began talking about how food is useful, it doesn't really help in the long term. I completely agreed with him as I believe the best way to get out of poverty is not through just money and food, but through education and training (the good old "Teach a man to fish" saying". Money can help in the short term, but education can truly help lift someone up.

In the end I thanked the man for his time and went back to my apartment a little more grateful than I had been the other day. Sometimes we all forget how truly blessed we all are. I've worked with homeless people before and they are just like you and me except they have fallen on hard times. So the next time you see someone out on the streets, offer to buy them meal or take them to a shelter, because all even though we might feel safe and impervious in our current lifestyle, we could all potentially end up on the streets one day at the mercy of a stranger.

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