Saturday, May 7, 2011

April 28th-May 7th

You know how I said I swear I would update this more often? Yea that did NOT include finals week.

Hate to say it but during finals week my life basically consists of smashing my face into whatever book seems to be more daunting at the time, which was basically a rotating series of orgo, physics II and microecon.

Yea! Go college life! Pro tip: Studying works best by osmosis as seen here

The weird thing was, it just did not feel like the finals weeks I've experienced in the past. I remember my first year at Tech and I was absolutely freaking out about my finals, like that was the most stressed out I have ever been in my life. I stayed about until 2-3 AM every night trying to get as much work done as possible and then waking up at 9 AM to make sure I got a head start on the day. Absolutely. Miserable.

But like I said, this dead week just did not have that impending doom feel about it. Not that I miss it but, I just seemed to lack the whole "Oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap" feeling demostated in Figure 1:

Figure 1: Realizing that you have 50 chapters to cover in two days

Its not like I lacked the ability to care, I just seemed to finally have calmed down about finals, and boy did that help. I have learned to approach finals as just another round of tests to take care of (thought ones worth 20-35% of my grade which I try not to think about). Though sometimes one has no other option to simply cram, I found that by taking breaks from one subject and work on another one was pretty effective. First of all, it gives your mind a mental break from whatever you happen to be studying at the time. Secondly, it helps you study more effectively. Say you go from studying orgo to working on physics. If you come back to orgo and find that you still remember most of the stuff, you should be good because the info is now starting to go in to your long term memory.

Fast forward to Sunday night and I just get back to my place to work cook my friends some pancakes and waffles for a midnight breakfast. My room mate Zach comes in and tells me that apparently Osama Bin Laden was killed. Now my first reaction was basically along the lines of "What?". He keeps telling me that Obama is going to make an announcement soon. I was in total disbelief. Could the man who killed 3,000 of our citizens 10 years ago truly be dead? Could the man that defined my generation be gone? My mind was racing while I flipped some pancakes. "How did this happen?", "Is it true?", "Whats going to happen next?". If I did not have my organic II final the next day, I would have gone outside and joined the celebration. Seriously, this thing was momentous. Our generation's villain had finally been killed. All around campus people were going around chanting USA! USA!, and it just wasn't GT's campus. My friends from all around the US sent me texts saying that their campus was in an uproar. This was not just an isolated phenomenon, the entire nation was celebrating the demise of someone who had plagued our collective conscience for an entire decade.

Lets just say that studying orgo for the rest of the night wasn't that bad at all :D

Right now its 1 AM on May 8th and I'm getting tired, I'll sum up the rest of the week tomorrow. Simply too much epicness for one post.

But I'll still leave you guys with another one of my favorite songs!

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