Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April 25th-27th, 2011

Yay Dead Week! The time when all of Georgia Tech shifts from its typical pattern of studying, tests and pain to even more studying and pain! Though professors are typically forbidden to give tests or large projects during this week, they are can be quite creative. "Oh that massive paper isn't exactly a project, just homework, by the way, you also have an exam in my class as well. Good luck!"

Typical Georgia Tech Dead Week, minus the zombies

Monday was an excellent day, class ended by two PM (no physics lab! Yay!). I was actually productive as well! I got through a chapter of orgo and did a bit of physics. My main goal for this week is to stagger everything out and try my best not to die, which may prove easier said than done. I did manage to beast out a psychology paper in class though, so I'm pretty proud of that. I also ended up getting a 102 on my last orgo test so that really helped kick off my week to a good start :D.

Yea random meaningless business poster about productivity!

There is something nice about not having class on Tuesday (or Thursday for that matter), aka not having to worry about having to wake up at some terrible hour in the morning (sadly I'll will not have that pleasure in the fall).

Fall Schedule, click in enlarge

I did manage to meet with my Organic I professor though and the meeting went pretty well. Basically I'm looking to TA for orgo I/II and/or work in a lab part time because I'll only be working at Axion part time during the summer. My orgo I prof was super nice and basically he went with me to talk to the guy who hires TAs and he (hopefully) hooked me up with a TA job. I just have to wait to hear from the other guy! It was definitely a nice boost to an already fantastic week!

Today hasn't been to out of the ordinary, just more studying but with some tornadoes thrown in for the heck of it. Tornadoes have always freaked me out a bit because when I used to live in Illinois, we would get hit with them all the time. Combine that with the fact I was like 8 at the time and you get something that stays with you. We got hit with a lot of severe weather today. The entire south was hit by either storms or tornadoes and sadly there were a lot of deaths :\. I was in the library studying with some friends today and some storms were blowing though. There was a tornado warning for some cities south of us, but nothing too big. Then when I was watching the storm with some friends, the library announced that a tornado was spotted in metro Atlanta and we had to get to the basement ASAP. Well, cue the usual "CRAP CRAP CRAP" moment. We hurried back to our table, grabbed our stuff then made our way downstairs as fast as possible to see a huge crowd of students trying to go down a flight of stairs. All of sudden they start heading back up....

Turns out it was a false alarm. Apparently some guy at the GTPD misread the watch as a warning....Yea....

Eventually my friends and I made our way over to Whittaker where I just finished studying some Physics II. Its 3 AM right now and I'm exhausted. Good night and good luck!

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