Sunday, April 24, 2011

April 19th-24th, 2011

Crap! I keep forgetting to update this thing...I swear I'll get better!

In any case, last week wasn't too bad. Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty ordinary days. Sleep, wake up, classes, eat, Starcraft, repeat. It was really nice not having to worry about synth lab this week. Speaking of that, I still do not have my final grade yet. I swear the TA for that class is just trying to prolong our suffering as much as possible...

Work wasn't that bad at all, I had to inspect more die so that production increase. This job is definitely the best I've ever had. Working for a small start up is so much better than a big corporation. Less annoying bureaucratic nonsense and you actually get to know people. Plus with a start up, everything is going so fast that there is always something new to take care of. Considering I've worked in placing ranging from a computer store to a grocery store, this job is amazing.

I had my last Organic II test on Friday, which I'm actually kind of sad about :(. I've absolutely loved organic chemistry (which makes me weird I guess). In fact I'm going to go talk to my orgo I professor tomorrow to see if I could possibly TA. Man, that would great if I actually got that. I used to tutor students in chemistry last summer and it was absolutely fantastic and I loved every moment of it.

Have you ever thought how your life would be different if you made a different decision? Yea, happened to me on Thursday. Its kinda funny actually, because during my senior year, I was dead set on RPI, my dad's alma mater. I went to visit it during the summer and other than the 12 hour car drive, I fell in love with the college almost instantly. The beautiful, old brick buildings covered in ivy made me feel like I jumped back 200 years to Ye Olde England. At that time, GT wasn't even on my radar. My Dad mentioned it a few times during applications and I only applied because he basically forced me to. Now fast forward about 3 months and I'm sitting in my room trying to decide where I'll spend the next 4 years of my life at. RPI had a great campus and culture to boot, but for some reason I was drawn to GT. Tech was also way less expensive than RPI ($35k vs $52k) and I guess that influenced my choice, but I still wonder how my life would be different if I did decide to head further up north to a far away land called New York.

For one thing I seriously doubt I would be a biochemistry major right now. I used to (and still do) love game design and RPI had one of the best game design programs in the country. When I went to visit, I brought my portfolio and showed it to a few professors and they loved it. I probably would have my same personality, though I bet I would be slightly more reserved (due to the fact that at GT everybody is bit eccentric). The more I think about it doubt I would have as many friends as I do down here. RPI is a more traditional college than GT (in terms of majors and culture) and my geeky personality would most likely have a harder time fitting in. Overall while I might have enjoyed my life up at RPI (especially being close to my friend Michael), I would still pick GT because while hard, I still love the geeky culture and general southern hospitality.

I'll do one of these every time I post now, there has been tons of events in my life that have always had a "what-if" component to it haha.

Also, today was Easter! Many people see Easter as the time when a bunny goes around and gives people chocolate goodies to make them fat. However to Christians, the day has a much larger significance. Easter is the day that Jesus was resurrected after dying on the cross. The past couple of days basically build up to Easter. The Thursday before Easter is called Maudy Thursday and it is the day when Jesus was betrayed by Judas. The following day, Good Friday was when Jesus was actually crucified. The reason why Easter is so important to Christians is because it is when Jesus defeated sin. Basically in Christian theology, Jesus died so that we could enter Heaven. He took on all the evil (sin) in the world so that we as people may get to know Him. Thats why many Christian songs contain phrases like "He is my Redeemer" because Jesus paid for our sins in full. Easter services are usually pretty joyous because of how important the day is to us, but they can be somber as well as we also remember the suffering that Jesus went through for us (getting whipped and nailed to cross isn't exactly a pleasant experience).

In any case, I've got finals in a week (organic II on Monday, Physics II and econ back to back on Wednesday and a hopefully easy Psychology test on Friday). Wish me luck!

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