Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday April 2nd, 2011

Well, what a nice way to start a Saturday, by going to bed at 4 AM and waking up at 1 PM. Seriously, after slowly dying last week I was glad I had the chance to feel super lazy (not like next week will be any better with a physics II and orgo II test on the same day). Ironically, after taking care of my laundry, I felt like running and went for a jog around Tech and boy did I need that. I haven't been to the gym as much as I have liked, and it has shown. Luckily I've been good at short bursts of speed, but long distance running has always been a pain. Hopefully I can get a schedule and actually follow it for once.

Dinner was nice, some Indian style chicken followed by some sauted onion, carrots, and spinach. The chicken turned out well though the spices left something to be desired. I'll have to try a new concoction I came up with tomorrow for dinner. As usual, I never actually follow any recipes, but simply try my best to pair things that would go well together. Its worked well so far, except for one with ramen which was a disaster (eggs, pineapple, and ramen=terrible).

Other than that, life has been pretty fantastic! School is going well and I'm starting to develop more and better friendships. I didn't get SMART, but hey, just gives me the chance to pursue more opportunities :).

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