Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday April 3, 2011

Well interesting day to say the least...

Day started out with me going to church with my room mate Zach. The message was pretty good, about how we should keep our hearts open to those in need. I've always liked Grace Midtown, especially how focused on service it is and their messages definitely reflect that. The service ran over by a bit which made it hard to get back in time ultimate but stopping by sublime donuts (amazing by the way) was a nice treat.

Ultimate was a complete blast. Like I said before I've never been one for long distance jogs, but short quick bursts with a goal (ie getting that stupid frisbee). The wind made things a lot more difficult as the frisbee often decided that suddenly curving was a smart idea. One of my friends brought her little sister and another friend to frisbee which was pretty cool, especially when I learned her friend went to the same elementary school as I did and might have been in a few of the same classes as well. Talk about a small world.

Brinner was probably a terrible idea (sausage and eggos are not a good combo for the faint of heart).

My Wednesday has suddenly gotten a lot worse when my psychology teacher sent out an email saying we have a test Wednesday, which makes three tests in the same day. Yay..... So basically it looks like life will be a lot more hectic than I originally planned. But hey, I say bring it on Tech, I've gone this far, you won't stop me now! :D

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