Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 6/7, 2011 about a long past few days. Seriously this was probably the most intense few days that I've had in quite some time. Three tests, meetings, and life in general means one very busy Ian.

Tuesday wasn't too bad. Woke up around 10 AM (with about 6ish hours of sleep), and went to a meeting for SGA election coming up soon. I'm running for the chemistry representative spot and I am the only one in the race, so that takes some pressure off me. Basically it was time for t
he candidates to meet each other and talk about our platform. I'm focusing on fiscal responsibi
lity and improved faculty-student relations. I want to make sure I can save GT (and fellow students) as much money as possible. Also, I'm working up on a few plans to help teachers get feedback on their performance and create an integrated undergrad research website (more details to follow!)

The rest of the day was spent cramming for psychology and physics II with a bit of orgo II tossed in for good measure. I hate cramming because I actually want to know the material, not smash my face into a book over the course of a day to get ready for some test. I decided that the orgo test would be my drop (we have five tests and we can drop one). Physics and psychology were a different story. Psych isn't hard, its just time consuming, which is the other wya for
physics so combine them together and you get a terrible time. Neither test I could afford to do bad on, so the pressure was definitely up there.

Now here's a breakdown of the tests using memes for your viewing pleasure:

1. Psychology:
I didn't really have time to read as much as I needed to. The test was ok, I'll just have to wait and pray for the best.

2. Orgo II
I've always wondered what it would be like to completely wing
a test and see what happens. Now I know! It was nice just being able to pick and answer because it kinda seemed right and not really caring!

3. Physics II

Half the test was basically:

While the other half was:
I. Hate. 10 point multiple choice. Seriously, its worth more than the free response and just as hard. The free response was not too bad but now I'm paranoid about messing up one of two of those 10 point questions.

But in any case, its all over now. As much as Tech can drive us to insanity, its good to remember that as long one tries their best, everything is fine. Sometimes we can all get too wrapped up in trying to perform on top of our class that we forget that college isn't just about grades. To figure out what one enjoys in life is way more important than any grade in my opinion.

To close, this song has been my favorite for the past couple of days, enjoy!

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