Sunday, April 10, 2011

April 8/9/10th, 2011

Yea...kinda forgot to update this over the past couple days, I guess I've been enjoying life too much.

Anyway, Friday turned out quite nice. Got my tests back and suprisingly I did quite well! 88 on psychology, 80 on physics, and a nice 62 on organic (wh
ich I beat the average by 1 point! Woo for not studying!). Friday night was great, spent time with some friends at California Pizza Kitchen (food was good,
service sucked. Alot.) and saw The Source Code which was surprisingly good, considering the lame name. It was like a mash up between Inception and the Bourne series.

Ok food, terrible service. Aka not worth it

Shopping Saturday was absolutely fantastic! Major props go out to my friends who helped me out with everything! I managed to snag two shirts, two jeans, n
ew shoes, and thin tie (which I'll have to return for being too long sadly) for around $100 which I consider a success.

I'm hoping to get in the near future some sort of blazer, I've always wanted to try this out:

Its been nice not to worry about school at all for the past couple of days. After last week, I definitely need a breather before finals hit. Micro economics has been an absolutely pain this entire semester. The professor is hard to understand and just reads from slides which come from the book so lecture is completely worthless. I've basically been learning the material on my own and things have been kinda rocky, but I've been doing well, I guess. The professor doesn't know what an A will be so once again I'm basically just trying to keep my average as high as possible.

Anyway, going away from the rant on MicroEcon, Sunday was pretty fantastic as well. I went to church this morning (Grace Midtown) with my roommate Zach and the message was good, basically about how we should stay as humble as possible help everyone in need, even our worse enemies. In theory it sounds easy, but helping out somebody who you absolutely do not like is very (speaking from personal experience). But hey, one can always try :)

I also got some ultimate in today for about 1 1/2 hours. I played ok, but some of the people were much taller, faster, and overall better which made it hard for me :P.

Well time to finish off the rest of the semester strong and beast my finals :D.

PS: This piece is amazing:

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