Monday, April 18, 2011

April 16th-18th, 2011

Never thought I would be glad for the weekend to actually be over...

Except Saturday, Saturday was fantastic. Get back to my apartment at 10 AM, go back to sleep, wake up at 2 PM and do practically nothing the rest of the day. Well, not exactly nothing, I took a stab act some Organic Chemistry II homework due on Monday. And by "take a stab at" I mean try to figure out and eventually give up.

Flash forward (more like sleep for about 7 hours), and its Sunday! Ah what amazing weather! Couldn't wait to go to church, toss the frisbee around, and do...orgo homework? Yea...thats the Tech lifestyle for you I guess. But this time I just couldn't give up, well I could have, but having a 0 on a homework tends to dissuade one from stopping. Nothing makes me feel better than having no idea how to do the homework of a subject I'm supposed to be good at...

Organic chemistry: The Bane of every science major

For some one reason I felt completely out of it Sunday. I guess school is finally taking its toll on me. Sometimes I feel absolutely overwhelmed with everything. There is so much pressure to perform well on every test, report, or job and have some semblance of a social life. It always seems that I am on my breaking point. Sure there are down weeks, but I usually just use those to prepare for my future commitments. I've always loved the opportunities that Tech has given me but I hardly have time to enjoy the things that I used to because I have been so busy.

But right now I'm just glad that this semester is almost over. I had my last (hopefully) physics lab, and I'm so happy to be done with the horrible lab. The labs aren't that difficult, just time consuming and I feel I do not actually learn anything, just how to plug and chug numbers. After I finished with my classes, I went over to Atlantic Station to see Insidious with my room mate Taylor, Jason, and Kevin. Insidious was quite the scary movie. I've always loved psychological horror movies and boy did this one deliver. It starts out as your typical ghost story but then it takes some nice turns and ends a good(?) note.

Seems like a happy, family friendly movie...

The movie definitely had some of really good scares and I was the edge of my seat for most of the movie. Probably the creepiest part is when this song played:

Which was followed by some super creepy moments. Not going to spoil it for those that haven't seen it yet, but you'll be laughing yet terrified at the same time.

I know I said beforehand that I'm starting to feel burnt out, but here the thing: we can all make it. We've all gotten this far in life, and for me, I don't plan on wasting it. Sure it might be painful now, but nobody ever said life was easy.

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