Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Rest of Finals Week and May 8th-11th

Like I said here is the rest my finals week, enjoy!

My finals week was kinda intense. I had organic II on Monday, with Physics II and Microeconomics on Wednesday back to back, with my last psychology test on Friday.

I had a somewhat late night on Sunday, due to the fact that Osama died and orgo just being annoying like its usual self. Luckily the exam wasn't until 11 so I had time to sleep in. Its always a surreal feeling walking to an exam, like basically the entire semester is will be decided within the next 3 hours or so.

The orgo exam was interesting...It started off ok then became pretty hard. The multiple choice wasn't too bad, but my professor decided to toss on some pretty tricky mechanisms. Usually I enjoy mechanisms because they are like puzzles. What I don't enjoy is having no idea how do said mechanism. I seriously stared at that problem for a good 30 minutes. Sometimes when I am stuck I try working backwards from a point that I know is part of the solution. Luckily it worked :D. I spent most of the three hours on that exam, but I think I solved most of it.

Physics came on Wednesday at 8 AM. Seriously...who the heck thought having a final, let alone a physics final at 8 AM was a good idea. The professors knew that we were going to be up studying for the final. I bet their response to that would have simply been this:

What made it even better was the fact that we also had our last physics test right before the final! Yay! I was absolutely dreading that because physics tests have a nice way of screwing you out of a lot points for the simplest of mistakes (see my rants about it in the previous posts). I don't know whether my professor decided to be nice or if he simply forgot to make the test hard, but the test was not too bad at all! He also tossed in 8 extra credit points! I was pretty ecstatic after that and the final was surprisingly not hard at either!

Microecon on the other hand...

I don't hate econ, trust me, I actually find it interesting, especially how everything interacts on a global and national level. But I simply did not find the class good at all. My professor would simply read from the slides which were taken straight from the book. The book wasn't even that great all. I never had my interest in a class completely drained, but boy did it come close. The exam was more annoying than anything else. The questions were straight forward, but just so tedious to solve out. Like some questions had these huge tables that required you to solve all the rows to answer just one multiple choice question. Its fine if its only once or twice but there were 50 MC and 25 T/F. Ugh.

Well, psychology was just that, psychology lol. The test reminded me of high school, 50 MC and the scantron was even the same style we used in high school! Yay memories!

My parents came down Friday night and we enjoyed a great meal at Antico's. Antico's is perhaps the best pizza in Atlanta hands down. Its a bit on the expensive side, but other than that, it is absolutely amazing.

The rest of the weekend was spent moving all my stuff from one end of the campus to the other via a small little Hyundai. Nothing like spending a few hours moving all the junk you collected over the past semester.

I finally got moved in Sunday and wished my parents goodbye. It was really great seeing them down here and I even got to place tennis with my dad which was fantastic. (Protip: Not playing tennis for a few months can have dire consequences on your game).

Monday was a pretty lazy day, slept in until 2 (12 hours of sleep ftw!) plus I got some chores done as well which is always nice.

Well thats the past week summed up in a nutshell! Good night and good luck!

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